
Springer’s innovative V-Sorter offers operators a wide range of advantages © Springer


A log sorting line …

Article by Raphael Kerschbaumer (adapted for holzkurier.com; translated by Eva Guzely) | 07.02.2024 - 11:09

“The decision for the V-Sorter was made after an intensive planning phase and the realization that revitalizing the existing sorting line would have been impossible in terms of time and also very expensive,” Entacher explains.

Previously, Entacher had already visited Springer’s factory premises in Friesach to see the prototype of the V-Sorter, and the company was immediately convinced of the advantages of the patented cable belt conveyor system.

Reliable and efficient

According to Springer, the V-Sorter offers a long list of advantages:

  • Savings on operating costs thanks to the elimination of total-loss lubrication
  • Minimization of maintenance costs through significantly reduced grease lubrication
  • Substantial energy savings thanks to a 90% reduction in friction
  • Environmental aspect: Sustainable, environmentally friendly log sorting
  • Controlled transport of dirt to defined transfer points with the integrated disposal system
  • Noise reduction: Smooth operation thanks to the shock-free, dampened guide rail system
  • Mechanical protection: All-round protection of the entire mechanical system
  • Efficient and quick start-up as a result of short assembly times
  • Compatibility with existing structures: Use of existing sorting bins and protected laying of electrical cables

Far from average

Entacher’s high expectations were exceeded. The company is very pleased with both the noise-reducing measures and the smooth operation that was achieved.

The machine meets state-of-the-art industry standards in terms of the mechanical system, electrics and control technology. According to Springer, only components from national and international suppliers who meet the highest quality standards are used. The sorting line enables Entacher to transport and sort logs with a diameter of 100 mm to 800 mm and a length of 3.1 m to 5.3 m.

Embedded in a well-thought-out plant design

Upstream of the V-Sorter, Springer’s Taylor 1200 butt-end reducer gives the logs in the crosswise transport at the log feeder the optimal shape by reducing the trunk flare to the maximum log diameter. After debarking, a metal detection device is used to inspect the logs for metal inclusions. This is done to prevent the subsequent production line from being damaged. Entacher emphasizes the efficient disposal system in particular, which keeps the plant and especially the log sorting line clean, thereby saving the company expensive cleaning work.

A convincing solution


Major upgrade for the log yard: A Springer V-Sorter was installed at the sawmill Sägewerk Entacher in Großarl, Salzburg, in December last year. The customer is enthusiastic about the new, much more efficient sorting solution which was developed by the Carinthian machine manufacturing experts © Springer

The Entacher family is enthusiastic about Springer’s latest innovation in log handling. “Thanks to Springer, we were able to double our efficiency in the log yard. The robust line not only meets all performance requirements, we were also impressed by the smooth installation and successful start-up. Having state-of-the-art technology gives us security and competitiveness. We are completely satisfied and more than happy to recommend Springer to other companies,” managing director Josef Entacher says, who runs the family business together with his brothers Gregor and Jakob. The latter agrees: “Springer’s project management was very good – clear plans, open communication, and all of our suggestions were taken into account. We always had the feeling that we were working with competent partners.” Gregor Entacher, too, is satisfied with the collaboration with Springer: “The sorting line from Springer, which was installed for the first time worldwide in our project, sets new standards. Being low-wear, lubricant-free and energy-efficient, it successfully replaces conventional technology. The implementation went smoothly and lived up to our expectations. We were pleasantly surprised by the reliability of the line’s functions. Springer kept its promises.”