
Jouko Karvinen, CEO © Stora Enso

Stora Enso's CEO resigns

Article by Hannes Plackner, translated by Robert Spannlang | 24.04.2014 - 11:50

Jouko Karvinen, CEO © Stora Enso

Stora Enso, Helsinki, has to find a new CEO: 56-year-old Jouko Karvinen will resign from his position after seven years as CEO. This bit of news was communicated yesterday along with the publication of the quarterly figures. In a press release, the supervisory board expresses its regret over Karvinen’s decision. The Finn will act as Stora Enso’s CEO until a successor is found. Reasons were not given.

In the same breath Karvinen presents a restructured group. A € 200 million savings program was implemented three months ahead of schedule. The long postponed commissioning of the pulp mill of Montes des Plata is imminent now. The € 1.4 billion plant should actually have been put into operation already a year ago. But that will soon be the concern of the new CEO.