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Kullik & Rullmann acquires US timber trader locations
Article by Dinah Urban, translated by Robert Spannlang | 06.02.2015 - 15:37
Buying and selling in New York, invoicing in Berlin
By January 1, wood trading and export company Kullik & Rullmann, Berlin, has completed takeover of the businesses of North American Hardwoods, New York. In addition to the existing customers and suppliers, the takeover includes all employees of the US trading company as well as two dispatch warehouses in New Jersey and Queens. Kullik & Rullmann has been cooperating with the company in New York for 20 years. Gradually and will full consent of their partners, the Germans took on the clientele of North American Hardwoods. The company itself was not purchased. To facilitate communication, Kullik & Rullmann opened an office in Long Island and implemented a web-based warehouse management software, said CEO Carsten Kullik.
North American Hardwoods supplies mainly builders' merchants in the northeastern United States with approximately 70,000 m³/yr of softwood lumber and 20,000 m³/yr of plywood. Sales target for 2015 is US$20 million, according to the company.
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