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MENA report

Ramadan without import fasting

Article by Gerd Ebner, translated by Susanne Höfler | 08.05.2019 - 12:09

Ramadan commenced on Sunday, May 5th. The fasting month usually is a time of contemplation – still, several orders with Algerian customers were finalized recently. Even if the most important construction projects there are at a rest until a new government has been formed, the country of 40 million people still needs a certain basic wood supply. "If the price is right I'll buy a few madres ...," could be the current motto in Algeria. The fact that the price level is €10 to 15/m³ below the level of the beginning of the year is at least partly blamed on the behavior of bidders of the insolvent company.

Scandinavian suppliers say about Egypt that business is "good in one month, and poor in the next". In Libya, there is already an ongoing discussion of the "fall of Tripolis". Accordingly, business prospects there are quite poor for European suppliers.