
Decrease in German lumber production

Article by Martina Nöstler (translated by Eva Guzely) | 14.10.2022 - 09:23

According to Destatis, German softwood lumber production (incl. planed timber) totaled just under 6.32 million m³ in the second quarter. Compared to the first quarter (6.65 million m³), output fell by 5% or 334,000 m³. Year on year, a decrease of 8% or 554,000 m³ was recorded. In the three-month period April to June 2021, the German sawmill industry had reached the record output of 6.87 million m³.

In the first half year, 12,97 million m³ of softwood lumber were produced, which corresponds to an 8% decrease compared to the same period of last year (H1 2021: 13.39 million m³).

Germany production volumes | Q2 2022
Softwood lumber incl. planed timber (spruce/fir, pine, other types of softwood; in 1,000 m³
Period 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Q1 4,899 5,172 5,409 5,655 6,072 6,515 6,653
Q2 5,764 5,582 5,935 6,005 6,230 6,873 6,319
Q3 5,537 5,949 5,912 6,026 6,466 6,335
Q4 4,919 5,348 5,524 5,618 6,448 5,614
Total 21,119 22,051 22,780 23,304 25,216 25,337
10HK_softwood lumber production DE.jpg

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