Softwood lumber trade flows H1 2023.jpg

Global loss in the value of lumber

Article by Günther Jauk (translated by Eva Guzely) | 19.09.2023 - 09:33

The number one global trade flow between Canada and the US saw an 8% decrease in volume of 14.1 million m³. The value of those shipments fell by more than half to US-$3.62 billion.

More softwood lumber was shipped from Russia to China (5.9 million m³; +6%) and from Sweden to Great Britain (1.53 million m³; +15%). Nevertheless, decreases of 6% and 26% in the value of these trade volumes were recorded respectively.

The trade flow Austria - Italy was the fourth biggest in the world with 1.33 million m³, followed by Germany - USA with 1.16 million m³. Trade volumes thus decreased by 13% each, while their value fell by 31% to 367,000 m³ (AT-IT) and 48% to US-$324,000 (DE-US) in the first six months of 2023.

Minimal increases in value were only recorded in softwood lumber exports from Canada to China (+4%) and from Sweden to Egypt (+2%). It must be said, though, that these increases were only possible because trade volumes grew massively.

The 20 biggest global softwood lumber trade flows | H1 2023
Trade flows incl. planed timber in 1,000 m³ and US-$1,000
N. Exporter Importer 1-6 2022 in 1,000 m³ 1-6 2023 in 1,000 m³ Diff. in % 1-6 2022 in US-$1,000 1-6 2023 in US-$1,000 Diff. in %
1 Canada USA 15,409 14,112 –8 7,365,778 3,623,393 –51
2 Russia China 5,542 5,902 6 1,286,274 1,205,984 –6
3 Sweden Great Britain 1,331 1,529 15 571,398 424,104 –26
4 Austria Italy 1,520 1,329 –13 530,475 366,536 –31
5 Germany USA 1,325 1,155 –13 616,612 323,704 –48
6 Canada China 577 877 52 153,878 160,618 4
7 Sweden Netherlands 560 851 52 232,432 154,683 –33
8 Russia Uzbekistan 844 773 –8 145,983 130,898 –10
9 Sweden Egypt 451 611 36 100,589 102,127 2
10 Sweden USA 628 577 –8 305,347 163,261 –47
11 USA Mexico 487 536 10 152,996 133,148 –13
12 Finland Egypt 458 514 12 115,733 82,743 –22
13 Sweden Germany 439 453 3 168,218 123,098 –27
14 Germany France 477 441 –7 201,300 141,462 –30
15 Sweden Denmark 460 441 –4 180,250 114,306 –37
16 Latvia Great Britain 663 437 –34 303,062 140,232 –54
17 Belarus China 234 431 84 54,428 86,942 60
18 Russia Kazakhstan 208 418 101 20,017 18,092 –10
19 Brazil USA 461 414 –10 164,105 127,306 –22
20 Canada Japan 613 404 –34 492,578 191,473 –61