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sales indicator april 2024

Still no market upswing in sight

Article by Gerd Ebner (translated by Eva Guzely) | 07.05.2024 - 11:16

This tense situation is reflected in the sales indicator, which fell again by 0.4 percentage points month on month to 130.1% in April. The fact that the sales situation has deteriorated since January is telling. In the industry, each processing stage is faced with its own challenges. Sawmills still suffer from small sales volumes and the low prices of some lumber products. In the glued timber sector, the decline in construction activity has a negative impact on sales of solid structural timber (KVH) and CLT in particular. Recently, however, there have been some signs of a slight recovery when it comes to CLT. Individual manufacturers have increased delivery times. This is generally a sign of a better order situation.