
Italy increased its laminated timber imports

Article by Günther Jauk (translated by Eva Guzely) | 13.06.2024 - 09:27

In the first quarter of 2024, Italy imported 172,000 m³ (+6%) of laminated timber, 85% or 148,000 m³ of which from Austria. Deliveries thus increased by 16% year on year. These are the figures published by Eurostat. Once again, they deviate from Austrian export statistics. According to Statistik Austria, Austria exported 189,000 m³ (+10%) of glulam and CLT to Italy in the first three months.

Meanwhile, Italy bought much smaller volumes of laminated timber from all of its other European trading partners. The absolute figures for the first quarter show just a few thousand cubic meters each, which roughly corresponds to one larger-scale timber construction project per country.

China, the only non-European supplying country in the Top 10, shipped 1,100 m³ to Italy, i.e. 275% more than in the first quarter of 2023.

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