
Nearly 900,000 m³ of laminated timber exported

Article by Philipp Matzku (translated by Eva Guzely) | 09.09.2024 - 12:12

From January to June, Austria exported 361,000 m³ of glue-laminated and cross-laminated timber to Italy, i.e. 9% more than in the same period of last year (331,000 m³). According to the Datacube, the record export volume was achieved in 2022 (408,000 m³; -11%).

Statistik Austria also reports a 10% increase in deliveries to Switzerland (69,000 m³). Austrian shipments to Japan totaled 51,000 m³ (+42%) and thus remained very pleasing despite the fact that much bigger volumes were sold to Japan in 2020 (74,000 m³) and 2019 (71,000 m³), for example.

Laminated timber exports to Germany were down by 10% or 16,600 m³, from 174,000 m³ in the first six months of 2023 to 157,000 m³ this year. Three years ago, Austria still exported as many as 273,000 m³ to Germany, i.e. 42% more than in 2024.

Deliveries to France decreased by 18% to 67,000 m³, while those to Spain were down by 3% and amounted to 47,000 m³. Double-digit decreases were recorded in exports to the Netherlands and Slovenia.

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