
Softwood log imports from Europe doubled

Article by Martina Nöstler (translated by Eva Guzely) | 28.10.2020 - 10:05

In the first nine months, China imported a total of around 32.12 million m³ which corresponds to a decrease of 0.4% or 128,000 m³. This is according to data by China Customs Statistics.

New Zealand is China’s main softwood log supplier. Until the end of September, 11.15 million m³, i.e. 14% less compared to last year, were bought from the country. Germany has become the number two supplier: With 5.77 million m³, China’s imports from Germany increased by 191% year on year. Purchases from Russia, on the other hand, fell by 26% to 3.43 million m³. Australia (3.34 million m³; +6%) and the Czech Republic (2.38 million m³; +91%) are in fourth and fifth place, respectively. From January to September, China bought 27.89 million m³ of softwood logs from these five countries. This is 87% of the overall volume.

Around 30% of the softwood logs imported by China came from Europe. With 9.31 million m³ (+104%) in the first nine months, the volume doubled compared to the same period of last year. A total of 8.1 million m³ of softwood logs were imported from Germany and the Czech Republic (87% of the overall volume bought from Europe). While imports from France (427,000 m³; +99%), Belgium (145,000 m³; +62%) or Italy (91,000 m³; +187%) saw strong increases, those from Poland (187,000 m³; -45%), Latvia (75,000 m³; -41%) or Slovakia (53,000 m³; -51%) decreased considerably. According to China Customs Statistics, China imported 3000 m³ of softwood logs from Austria in the first nine months of 2020.

China softwood log imports Europe | January to September 2020
in 1,000 m³  
Country 1–9 2019 1–9 2020 Diff. in %
Germany 1,981 5,766 191
Czech Republic 1,246 2,375 91
France 215 427 99
Poland 342 187 –45
Belgium 89 145 62
Italy 32 91 187
Latvia 127 75 –41
Slovakia 107 53 –51
Denmark 136 47 –66
Lithuania 155 47 –70
Slovenia 42 43 3
Estonia 31 19 –40
Romania 7 15 100
Switzerland 2 9 262
Croatia 7 3 –52
Norway 9 3 –60
Luxembourg 3 100
Austria 3 100
Belarus 2 100
Sweden 4 1 –75
Portugal 29 –100
Great Britain
Total 4,570 9,313 104
China softwood log imports global | January to September 2020
in 1,000 m³  
Country 1–9 2019 1–9 2020 Diff. in %
New Zealand 13,007 11,148 –14
Germany 1,981 5,766 191
Russia 4,637 3,434 –26
Australia 3,135 3,339 6
Czech Republic 1,246 2,375 91
USA 2,468 1,830 –26
Canada 1,718 874 –49
Japan 693 821 19
Uruguay 1,211 686 –43
France 215 427 99
Argentina 233 306 31
Poland 342 187 –45
South Africa 190 176 –7
Belgium 89 145 62
Italy 32 91 187
Chile 194 90 –54
Brazil 145 84 –42
Latvia 127 75 –41
Slovakia 107 53 –51
Denmark 136 47 –66
Lithuania 155 47 –70
Other countries 182 114 –37
Total 32,243 32,115 –0,4