
© Martina Nöstler


Widening gap between log and lumber price indices

Article by Raphael Kerschbaumer (translated by Eva Guzely) | 16.08.2024 - 11:15

In June, the lumber price index was at 158.8% (base 2001 = 100%). Month on month, this corresponds to a slight increase of 1.5 percentage points. Since the start of this year, the index value has gained 7.6 points. January was also the last month in which the log price index was higher than that for lumber. After all, the log price index has been falling since its short-lived high in February. In June, it was at 149.5% and thus 13.2 percentage points lower than last year.

By now, there is almost a double-digit difference between the price indices of log wood and lumber. The last time the two index values were that far apart was in the summer of 2023, when they were at a very low level.

As always, you can track the development of the Austrian log and lumber price indices in our Datacube.