
German machinery is highly regarded worldwide (pictured: Weinig OptiCut) © Martina Nöstler

German machinery exports increased

Article by Günther Jauk, translated by Robert Spannlang | 25.11.2014 - 09:33

German machinery is highly regarded worldwide (pictured: Weinig OptiCut) © Martina Nöstler

Compared with August, the German machinery export value has increased in September by a nominal 3.6% to € 12.7 billion. In the 3Q, exports inched 0.9% higher to € 37.6 billion, reports the German Engineering Federation (VDMA).

Exports to the USA (€ 3.9 billion, +13%) represent the largest improvement in the 3Q. 11% of exports were US-bound. Yet with € 4.4 billion (+2.8%), China remains the single most important market for German machines.