Softwood sawn timber imports decrease

Article by Martina Nöstler (translated by Eva Guzely) | 09.07.2018 - 10:43
10HK_USA AT DE SE 05 2018.jpg

© Holzkurier

14.41 million m³ of softwood sawn timber were imported by the US from January to May. Compared to last year, the overall volume fell by 6%. FAS data show a remarkable development of the value: Despite a fall in volumes, their value increased by 4%, reaching a total of 2.84 billion US-$.

13.13 million m³ were imported from Canada, thus 9% less compared to last year. This decline of almost 1.4 million m³ was too big to be balanced by the increase of imports from other countries. Germany apparently profited from high softwood sawn timber prices in the US: Its exports rose by 182% to 366,000 m³, the value of the exported timber increased by 239% to 112 million US-$. Imports from Sweden dropped by 8% to 160,000 m³. Volumes imported from Austria soared by 493% to 83,000 m³.

US-Import May 2018
US softwood sawn timber imports in million US-$ and 1,000 m³
Country Imports in million US-$ Imports in 1,000 m³
  1 - 5 2017 1 - 5 2018 Change in % 1 - 5 2017 1 - 5 2018 Change in %
Canada 2,433 2,386 –2 14,474 13,129 –9
Germany 33 112 239 130 366 182
Sweden 50 58 16 173 160 –8
Austria 3 18 500 14 83 493
China 19 27 42 28 48 71
Czech Republic 4 6 50 18 22 22
Russia 5 5 –8 17 14 –18
Finland 3 5 67 7 11 57
Lithuania 0,9 0,7 –29 4 2 –50
Total EU 28 109 241 121 402 775 93
Total 2,732 2,841 4 15,366 14,421 –6