
Austrian softwood sawmills by cutting volume in 2019 © Holzkurier


Austria’s biggest sawmills of 2019

Article by Martina Nöstler (translated by Eva Guzely) | 08.01.2020 - 13:29

The increase in cutting in Austrian sawmills is partly due to the positive economic development last year, especially in the first months. Additionally, there were big quantities of wood damaged by storms and bark beetles, which had to be removed from forests and which led to a very high availability of raw material.

In 2019, the cutting volume of those companies who reported their figures reached a total of 13.2 million m³. Compared to 2018, this is an increase of 4.7% which is the result of higher cutting volumes of many companies, Sägewerk Holz Hahn in Rappottenstein, which is new in the list, and the reconstruction of Kirchner in Radstadt after the fire at the end of 2017.

According to the industry report 2018/19 of the Timber Industry Association of Austria, sawn timber production of all companies amounted to 10.4 million m³ (including hardwood) in 2018. Assuming a 5% increase, this would mean a total of 10.9 million m³ in 2019.

Austria’s single biggest production site is located in Leoben where Mayr-Melnhof Holz Holding reached a record cutting volume of 1.3 million m³ in 2019. Holzindustrie Maresch in Retz follows closely in second place with 1.29 million m³. Stora Enso’s site in Ybbs and Binderholz’s sawmill in Fügen also passed the one million mark with 1.19 million m³ and 1.04 million m³, respectively. The ten biggest sawmills which reported their 2019 figures stated a cutting volume of 10.23 million m³.

When adding the companies (estimate) who did not specify quantities, cutting reached a total of about 15.3 million m³ in 2019.

Looking at the target figures of Austrian sawmills (including estimates by Timber-Online), cutting could further increase in 2020, to around 15.9 million m³. Most of the target figures for 2020 are stable on this year’s level. However, some of the bigger companies want to raise cutting. Two new constructions or changes to existing sites, which will have an effect in 2020 and 2021, are Hasslacher Norica Timber in Preding and Holzindustrie Handlos in Summerau. So far, cutting volume at Handlos has not been confirmed but is estimated to reach about 250,000 m³ a year. In Preding one-shift cutting capacity is going to rise to 500,000 m³ a year.

Austria’s biggest softwood sawmills | 2019/target 2020
Austrian sawmills with an annual cutting volume of over 50,000 m³, processing and drying quantities of 2019; cutting volumes in 1,000 m³
Company Site Cutting 2017 Cutting 2018 Cutting 2019 Planned cutting 2020 Staff Processing (m³/year) Drying (m³/year)
Binderholz (2) Fügen 960 1,040 1,050 1,040 2,750 planed timber: 320,000; glulam: 270,000; solid wood panels: 22,000 in Fügen, 70,000 in St. Georgen 800,000
Brunner-Stern Hohenberg 70 80 90 90 n/s n/s 40,000
Egger Holz Liezen 124 140 140 145 42 pallets: 8,000 90,000
Entacher Großarl n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s
Erhart Holz Sonntag 55 55 60 60 35 planed timber: 2,000, cuts: 8,000 30,000
Säge Gußwerk (3) Gußwerk 50 55 52 65 33 planed timber: 18,000; spruce/fir/pine moon timber; special rift/semi-rift cuts in spruce, fir, larch 28,000
Holz Hahn Rappottenstein 73 80 31 solid structural timber, glulam, duo beams: 35,000 25,000
Hasslacher Hermagor Hermagor 155 165 180 190 70 planed timber: 20,000, pellets: 25,000 tons (premium pellets) 110,000
Hasslacher Norica Timber (4) Sachsenburg 970 1,050 850 820 1,700 planed timber: 160,000; solid structural timber: 120,000; glulam: 170,000; CLT: 65,000; pellets: 70,000 tons 770,000
  Preding     275 360  
Hutter Sägewerk St. Michael/
85 90 90 90 40 finger-jointed and glued knot-free products in spruce and fir; Faszino facade; SGL- middle layers for three-layer panels and parquet; ca. 16,000 28,000
Holzindustrie Kaml & Huber Rottenmann 100 105 120 120 32 –– 80,000
Kirchner Säge- und Hobelwerk (5) Radstadt 83 –– 90 100 30 slats: 8,000 40,000
Holzindustrie Kirnbauer Prigglitz 80 105 120 120 80 glulam, duo, trio beams, solid structural timber: 70,000 68,000
Klausbauer Holzindustrie Lainbach n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s
Holzindustrie Maresch Retz 1,165 1,200 1,290 1,300 195 –– ––
Mayr-Melnhof Holz Holding (6) Leoben 998 1,200 1,300 1,350 1,950 –– 450,000
Josef Moser Münichreith 60 60 60 60 22 FSC certified; 6,000 m³ of hardwood 17,000
Mosser Holzindustrie Wolfpassing 325 350 350 360 60 n/s 150,000
Neuschmied Holz Hopfgarten/
125 125 130 132 55 planed timber: 15,000, cutting of slats: 22,000 70,000
Johann Offner Holzindustrie Wolfsberg n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s –– n/s
Johann Pabst Holzindustrie Obdach n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s planed timber, glulam, pellets n/s
Pfeifer Holzindustrie (7) Imst 60 60 60 50 2.000 processing: 400,000 500,000
  Kundl 600 600 600 600
Planegger Holz Launsdorf 85 100 100 n/s 33 pallets: 10,000 35,000
Prehofer Holz Rutzenmoos 60 70 80 80 35 planed timber: 15,000 15,000
Rubner Holzindustrie Rohrbach/
300 300 310 310 115 Duo-/Triolam: 35,000 175,000
Donausäge Rumplmayr Enns, Altmünster 650 750 750 780 165 95,000 365,000
Samonig Sägewerk Fürnitz 53 51 45 50 28 planed timber 25,000
Schaffer Sägewerk & Holzexport Eppenstein 100 106 105 110 67 –– 45,000
Holzindustrie Schafler Hirnsdorf –– 52 60 60 85 Euro pallets, special pallets, collars, crates, overseas packaging 25,000
Holzhof Schmidt Aspang 60 80 90 90 25 pellets: 14,000 50,000
Schößwendter Holz Saalfelden 250 250 250 250 120 planed timber: 55,000 n/s
Holzindustrie Stallinger Frankenmarkt n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s
Gebrüder Steininger Rastenfeld 300 310 330 350 50 –– 60,000
Sägewerk Josef Steurer Schwarzach n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s
Stora Enso Wood Products Brand 750 750 770 n/s 290 planed timber: 200,000, posts: 55,000 360,000
  Ybbs 1,100 1,200 1,190 n/s 470 planed timber: 300,000, posts: 75,000, CLT: 100,000 630,000
  Bad St. Leonhard 600 600 590 n/s 260 planed timber: 20,000, CLT: 80,000 280,000
Brüder Theurl Assling 455 480 500 500 250 glulam: 103,000, planed timber: 35,000; CLT starting in May n/s
Troger-Holz Vomp 300 330 325 325 100 formwork panels: 250,000 m² 150,000
Sägewerk UPM Steyrermühl Laakirchen n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s –– n/s
VM-Holz Vöcklamarkt 590 640 660 700 140 pellets: 101,000 tons 340,000
Zwickl Holz (8) Raabs/Thaya, Jemnice/CZ 62 60 60 60 n/s planed timber: 2,200 7,000