In 2019, Moelven’s sales reached NOK 10.3 billion (€ 1 billion). The company’s operating result was NOK 335.4 million (€ 32.7 million). “The first half of the year was very good. However, the second half was characterized by economic uncertainties on a global level due to the trade war between China and the US, Brexit and surplus timber available on the market as a result of bark beetle infestation and windthrow in Europe. This was a challenge for Moelven’s market activities and profitability towards the end of the year,” says Morten Kristiansen, CEO of Moelven Industrier.
While 2018 was one of the strongest years in the history of Moelven, 2019 was normal again. Last year, sales decreased by NOK 723.3 million (€ 70.6 million) compared to the previous year, and the operating result fell by NOK 250.8 million (€ 24.5 million).