10HK_US price week 43 2021.jpg

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Strong rise in US prices

Article by Günther Jauk (translated by Eva Guzely) | 02.11.2021 - 10:34

In the last week of October, the US softwood lumber price rose strongly again. Madison’s Lumber Reporter identified an increase of US-$50 to US-$630/1000 bft (2-by-4 Western SPF, KD, #2 & better) compared to the week before.

For European suppliers, this means a rise of €27/m³ (actual size) to €350/m³ with a currency exchange rate of €1.16/US-$. Compared to this year’s low ten weeks ago, the price rose by €135/m³. Year on year, however, it fell by €158/m³.

According to the Futures traded at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the price could have reached a peak. For the beginning of November, US-$614/1000 bft are projected, which would be €341/m³ with an unchanged currency exchange rate.