
Decline in chipboard exports

Article by Birgit Fingerlos (translated by Eva Guzely) | 22.01.2020 - 09:22

According to Destatis, German producers exported a total of 2.19 million m³ of chipboards and OSBs from January to November 2019. In the same period of 2018, nearly 2.29 million m³ were exported. The overall volume thus decreased by 4%.

The biggest quantities were exported to Poland (295,000 m³; +2%), Great Britain (277,000 m³; +0.1%) and the Netherlands (218,000 m³; -16%). The most marked relative increase was registered in chipboard sales to China. Deliveries rose from 81,000 m³ in the first ten months of 2018 to almost 108,000 m³ in the same period of 2019, i.e. by 33%.

Austria received 193,000 m³ of chipboards and OSBs in this period which corresponds to a decrease of 8% compared to the previous year (211,000 m³).

Germany Chipboard and OSB exports January – November 2019

Country 2019 2018 Change in %
Poland 295,462 290,133 1.8
Great Britain 277,292 277,005 0.1
Netherlands 218,223 259,234 -15.8
France 209,824 209,584 0.1
Austria 193,331 210,891 -8.3
Switzerland 111,480 124,809 -10.7
China 107,870 81,006 33.2
Italy 102,899 119,721 -14.1
Belgium 99,718
94,315 5.7
Czech Republic 75,335 77,813 -3.2
Other countries 499,035 541,469 -7.8
Total 2,190,469 2,285,980 -4.2